Monday, January 18, 2010

The more sweetness you put into water the sweeter it becomes.

Are you experiencing fear in your life?
Do you suffer from low self esteem and insecurity?
Do you carry anger inside of you?
Do you have the need to be in control all the time?
Do you have problem trusting others?

If you answer yes to any of these questions , I would like to ask you if you are aware that by allowing these negative emotions to be part of you, you are blocking the highest potential of who you are to manifest through you?

Are you aware that the challenges you are experiencing right now in your life are all attached to those negative emotions you carry within you?

The more sweetness you put into water the sweeter it becomes.

Like wise with your life, the more you let go of those negative emotions the more positive energy will flow through you. Your life will be more positive and your dreams and desires will manifest themselves through you easier and effortlessly.

It is the New Year and I am feeling the amazing energy this year is bringing to us. It’s time to sweeten your life and add more self love, courage, faith, self power, freedom from your fears, happiness and joy to your life.

I want to help you to have these gifts in 2010 and I decided that I am giving a very unique discount for my 3 months healing programs.

You can choose any of the packages from 6-12 sessions by
1.2.2009 and received a 50% discount on any one of them.

Yes 50% discount to celebrate and sweeten your life.

Make a conscious choice to love yourself and give your self the gift of love and sweetness your life , so you can start having a more positive and joyful life.

I invite you to call to schedule your free consultation session at 818-919-2203.
Sessions can take place either by phone or face to face if you are located in Los angles.

Visit this link to learn about the packages that are available and use the code newyear to receive your 50% discount.;

What do my clients have to say about the work they did with me?

“You assisted me in realizing all the amazing tools I have been given. You helped me open my eyes, see and feel my soul’s purpose, its authenticity and my path in life. Reaching a new kind of focused awareness that leads to freedom to create, be loving and empowered all a long in a very safe environment.
You are a real gift Sharon to anyone out there who wishes to explore real freedom in their life."
With much love and appreciation,
Talia Vanson

"I found Sharon has a very motivated and professional Healer& Self Awareness coach. With her unique Energy Balance technique she helped me raise from the unconscious to the conscious fear based patterns of my self that where blocking me from moving forward with my life. She brought light to those aspects of me and gave me simple and clear tools to transform them and by doing so putting me more in charge of my behavior and choices.
Thank you Sharon"
Pablo Gregato

“I had spent over three and half cumulative years in various types of therapies and all we ever seemed to do was talk about the same problems and issues over and over again, with no resolution, no fix, no way of moving past the blockages in my life. And then a friend referred me to Sharon.
Less than four months since I met her I have managed to get a job, set free many of the negative energy sources in my life and re-opened myself to all the gifts that life has to offer – and this is only the beginning. “
Miriam Helper


With much love to you

Sharon Cohen
Healer & Self awareness coach
Transforming Fear into Love

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