Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 celebrations!!! Give yourself the gift of LOVE

Greetings beautiful people!

2010 is here and my intention in this year is to get to know my tribe better and connect with you and support you and share with you my gifts and blessing in the most joyful way. I have noticed that most of you have a sense of what I do, but don't "really" know what it's all about. So I have decided to explain it because I think it's important for my tribe to know.


I am MANY things: Healer, Self Awareness Coach, Intuitive Counselor, Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, a channel of the energy of love and a new healing methodology called the Tree of Life Healing which based on amazing wisdom that teaches us on our true life purpose, who we are from with in, the structure of our soul and the powers we were born with.

What is my intuition when I am working with you?

My focus is on raising your consciousness and building bridges of higher understanding within you, by providing wisdom and tools to help you transform your actions and decisions based on fears and victim mentality into action and decisions based on love and the powerful being that you are so you fulfill your inner and outer life purpose and have the life you desire to experience.

What gives me the privilege to guide you on your path?

For the past 17 years I have been on my self discovery and healing journey. Healing my soul from fears, law self esteem, and insecurities.
I have studied for 7 years various healing modalities like Reiki, guided imagery, energy balance, energetic psychotherapy, and kabala healing. By the end of these studies I started to channel the knowledge of the structure of the soul and the tree of life healing practice.

Trough the tree of life healing system I worked on my soul and brought balance to those parts in me that weren’t balance and by doing so I created huge shift in my life because I started to live my life purpose.
By practicing the qualities and the essence of each part I succeed to shift my reality from reality based on fear and victim mentality to reality based on love self appreciation trust faith courage and self strength.

By doing so I succeeded to leave marriage that weren’t serving the highest purpose of my life, I moved countries and started a new life from zero in a new country, persuading the highest call of my life to become a healer and spiritual coach.

I overcome all the challenges that a move like that brings with him. I found the truth of who I am, I found my gifts to share with the world, I become my authentic self by peeling the layers of fear and ego that were blocking me and started to live my life purpose and create the life of my dreams.

So what is it for you?

I wanted to share this gift I received from the universe with the world!!!!!
I developed my very own and UNIQUE 3 months healing program. During these 10-weeks, when you come to work with me I take the responsibility of working with you very seriously.

I honor your trust, and the opportunity to spend time with you. My aim through my sessions is to help you to reconnect with your inner and outer life purpose and the message of who you are ,why you are here, and how you can make the most of this lifetime. I want to empower you with knowledge, and give you enough to work with that through the work we will do you will have the direction and information to make positive changes in your life.

The first thing I do when I work with you is creating your spiritual road map in order to know what is your inner life purpose what are your life lessons - things your soul has come here to work on in this lifetime for your own growth and development. Life lessons go for the duration of this lifetime, as you develop skills and then mastery those essences you need in order to fulfill your life purpose, Understanding what you've come here to learn will bring greater awareness about why you attract certain situations or relationships.

We also look at your life challenges - short duration situations, relationships, challenges and opportunities that are devised to give you specific learning in an accelerated way. We see what are the fears based emotions that managing those challenges and we shift them through the tree of life energy balance and help you develop the courage, faith, strength, self love or any other essence you need in order to overcome these challenges. Once you gain the learning from the challenge you can move on and you don't need to revisit it again!

Finally we look specifically at the choices and opportunities in the here and now, or just ahead for you and I provide you with the tools to help you make the most from these choices and opportunities

All of my work is channeled using my Guides and yours, and my own Soul Wisdom. It will be what you most need to hear or work with to facilitate the most powerful, positive and productive changes in order to live a life of meaning, happiness and fulfillment.

By having a deeper self-connection, by loving and trusting yourself and honoring your identity, your life can expand in ways you may have never dreamed. It can become rich beyond measure - that is the gift of true self-expression and self-love.

So What?

So, I am very passionate about this work. VERY!!! I am constantly working on my self and challenging my self and my life in order to be a better service for you. I believe the more I put my self in situations that my clients have the potential to experience and I allow my self to experience the emotions and challenges that coming through those experiences and over come them the more I will have to give to you.

Who are my clients?

Everyone is welcome, however, I have noticed that most of my clients are men and women between the ages of 35 to 55, half of them are barely "tapping" into the world of Spirituality & Metaphysics, and half of them all ready in the awareness and wish to learn more about their life lessons and received the tools to overcome them and move forward toward their greater self.

What else ?

It is the New Year and I am all ready feeling the amazing energy this year is bringing to us. It’s time to give your self the gift of self love, courage, faith, self power, freedom from your fears, happiness and the life of your dream,AND DISCOVER YOUR LIFE PURPOSE!!!!!

I want to help you to have these gifts at 2010 and I decided that I am giving a very unique discount for my 3 months healing programs.
You can choose any of the packages from 6-12 sessions by
1.2.2009 and received a 50% discount on any one of them.

Yes 50% discount to celebrate the beautiful new year and share with you my gift and blessing.

Make a conscious choice to love yourself and give your self the gift of love and healing so you can start moving forward to have the life of your dream and fulfill your life purpose like I do.

Call to schedule your free consolation session at 818-919-2203.
Session can take place either by phone or face to face if you are located in Los angles.

Visit this link to learn about the packages that available and use the code newyear to receive your 50% discount.

What my clients have to say about the work they did with me?

“You assisted me in realizing all the amazing tools I have been given. You helped me open my eyes, see and feel my soul’s purpose, its authenticity and my path in life. Reaching a new kind of focused awareness that leads to freedom to create, be loving and empowered all a long in a very safe environment.
You are a real gift Sharon to anyone out there who wishes to explore real freedom in their life."
With much love and appreciation,
Talia Vanson

"I found Sharon has a very motivated and professional Healer& Self Awareness coach. With her unique Energy Balance technique she helped me raise from the unconscious to the conscious fear based patterns of my self that where blocking me from moving forward with my life. She brought light to those aspects of me and gave me simple and clear tools to transform them and by doing so putting me more in charge of my behavior and choices.
Thank you Sharon"
Pablo Gregato

“I had spent over three and half cumulative years in various types of therapies and all we ever seemed to do was talk about the same problems and issues over and over again, with no resolution, no fix, no way of moving past the blockages in my life. And then a friend referred me to Sharon.
Less than four months since I met her I have managed to get a job, set free many of the negative energy sources in my life and re-opened myself to all the gifts that life has to offer – and this is only the beginning. “
Miriam Helper


With much love to you
And I wish you a magnificent 2010.
Sharon Cohen
Healer & Self awareness coach
Transforming Fear into Love

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