Thursday, February 18, 2010

Release Your Money Blocks From Your Business (FREE TELECLASS)

As part of my commitment to help you transform your fear based emontion I JV with Heather Picken the spirit coach to help you End your struggle for your business and Learn how to recession proof your business.

It's your birthright to be wealthy!

Are you wondering why your business is stuck?

-and no matter what you do nothing seems to work

Heather Picken, founder of The Quantum Entrepreneur Program and The Virtual Prosperity Network for Women is having a free teleclass to all spiritually minded entrepreneurs that feel stuck in their business.

Learn the missing SECRETS to your business success in ATTRACTING more clients,

more sales easily and effortlessly

----> Learn how to recession proof your business

----> 2010 business model- Why the old ways of marketing are not working

for you and why doing LESS is actually better!

----> End your struggle for your business (it can be easy if you know this)

----> Magnetize clients and sales easier than ever before

(no cold calling!)

----> Are you wondering why your business is stuck?

and no matter what you do nothing seems to work

----> Learn some of the biggest mistakes people are making

in their business (is this you??)

----> How to shift your thinking to INSTANTLY attract more money

into your business. (you will love this exercise)

Whether you have a business now or are thinking about one

you will want to make this call! (Heather is also offering some

great gifts so make sure you register).

DATE: February 25

TIME: 6pm PST/9pm EST

CLICK HERE for registration and to submit your question for this free LIVE event.

There will be a Q & A after the call.

With much love

Sharon Cohen

Healer & Self Awareness Coach

Transforming Fear into Love


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine Day

I want to wish you and your loved one Happy Valentines day.
I hope this day will be a day of celebrating the energy of love that is one of the best experiencing a soul can experience.

To celebrate the energy of love doesn’t mean we have to be in a relationship.
The relationship you have with yourself is the first place where you start with experiencing the energy of love in your life.

The relationship you have with yourself is like a blueprint that sets the nature and quality of your relationship with others.

The secret to creating and attracting a successful loving relationship with another, whether you have found that 'other' yet or not, lies in loving yourself.
Self-Love will enhance an existing relationship; ironing out problems and taking it to the next level, or attract a healthy, optimum relationship at an appropriate time if you are single.

Furthermore, it will quench any 'need' for a relationship, and bring the deep content and enjoyment of time on your own and being single in a rewarding and empowered way.

The alchemical balm of Self-Love will positively transform all areas of your life and be reflected back to you in greater successes and the receiving of more gifts, blessings and abundance from the universe.
Your relationship with yourself will be mirrored in your relationships with others. What you cannot give to or receive from yourself, you will lack the ability to do so with another.

There for I want to invite you to celebrate the energy of self love on this Valentine day, no matter if you are in a relationship or single take this day to remind your self how loved you are by loving yourself and excepting who you are and be thankful for all that you are.

There are, of course, infinite ways to love and to care for yourself. The possibilities are endless, and will depend on what is most appropriate for you at a given time, what brings you greatest joy, and what honors and fulfills your heart’s wishes and soul’s purpose.
Here are few ways to connect with self love today:

Cleaning your home, organizing papers and accounts, eating healthy food, paying bills, clearing debts, etc.

Spending time in nature to bask in its beauty and grace. We all have favorite nature spots. For some it is the ocean side, for others the beauty of a spring meadow, for some it is to walk down country lanes, or enter a forest or grove. Perhaps you love riversides or waterfalls, or wide vistas and open landscapes with far reaching views, or hill tops and mountains.

Nourishing and caring for your body, such as eating healthy food and exercising You can go to a fun healthy activities like salsa, yoga, hiking or running.

Doing 'nothing' and spending time relaxing, reflecting, de-stressing or simply ‘being’.

Reading a book that inspire you.

Treating yourself to the pleasures of massage, a facial, pedicure, beauty treatments or a new hair-do.

Buying new clothes that reflect your truer self.

Taking up or renewing a creative hobby or passion, be that singing, writing, walking, painting, sailing, or photography, for example.

Being in touch with friends and loved ones, and expressing the love you have for them, which will be nourishing not just to them, but to you as well.


There is also inner work you can do today to increase the energy of self love:

No longer sacrificing to please others.

Being honest and intimate with yourself and others.

No longer settling for less and setting respecting boundaries.

Listening to and honoring your feelings.

Speaking kindly to yourself, seeing your value and goodness, affirming your positives and being grateful to yourself.

Appreciating yourself for all your gifts, qualities, strengths and achievements, and having compassion and love for any perceived 'ugly sides', weaknesses, stresses, trials and tribulations.

Forgiving yourself for all 'mistakes' the lost or wounded you may have made, and letting go of negative self-concepts and beliefs.

You already do love yourself, likely more than you are aware, yet if self-love feels new to you and you want to experience and develop more of it, there’s no shame in what may initially feel like ‘faking it till you make it’.
When you start to act more loving to yourself you will ignite a renewed relationship with yourself and step onto a path to a blossom-rich horizon.

You will also reprogram your subconscious mind with a new way of being and relating with yourself.

Loving yourself may involve pampering and treating yourself in luxurious ways, yet it may also include less glamorous endeavors, for self-love is about doing what most serves you and your soul at a given time, and honoring and respecting yourself accordingly.

I love you and I wish you a happy Valentine day

Sharon Cohen
Healer & Self Awareness Coach
Transforming Fear into Love