Sunday, December 27, 2009

Get Connected with Your Truth.

Most people believe that if they just had more money, the things that make them unhappy would disappear and their lives would be better.

The truth is that your life can be better without more money. It can be better today, but you need to make some decisions and take some actions. You don't need me to tell you what will make you happy -- only you know that truth.

I believe each of us has the power to discover our purpose and become joyful in the process of journeying toward that purpose. It's not easy, however. Nothing important and meaningful ever is. Those who find the purpose that leads them to joy are truly the luckiest people in the world, because they're living richly.

Get Connected with Your Truth.

2010 is here next week and you can raise your energy vibration and change your life for better just by taking your time and do this simple exercise I'm about to share with you.

The hardest thing to do is be honest with yourself. Asking yourself some key questions will lead you to some amazing discoveries, and possibly motivate you to do what it takes to create the life you envision for yourself. I suggest writing your (honest) answers to the following questions in a new journal for the New Year.

Take the time to answer these questions and while you giving yourself the answers know that if you choose to focus in the year 2010 and act upon those answers you will give to yourself an amazing year full with joy.

• What makes you happy at work?
• What makes you happy at home?
• What makes you happy with your friends and family?
• What makes you happy when you're by yourself?
• What do you love to do?
• What would you do with your life today if you weren't afraid of failure?
• What's not working in your life?
• What are you currently doing that prevents you from experiencing joy?
• What's working in your life?
• Who's not working in your life?
• Who in your life is subtracting value from and adding misery to it?
• Can you fix any of these relationships, or should you let them go from your life?
• What relationships are working in your life?
• If we were getting together one year from today, what would have to happen for you to be able to tell me that you now have more joy in your life?
• What's the single most important thing you've learned about yourself as a result of answering these questions?

You'll find that by putting your answers down on paper, they'll become clear more quickly and the actions you need to take more obvious and easier to initiate.

I want to wish you a joyful year and may you get connected with your truth in the year of 2010.

With Much Love
Sharon Cohen
Healer & Self awareness Coach
Transforming Fear into Love

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Living, Breathing Transformation

Recently, I have been reading the book “The vortex” (Abraham-hicks).
I love the energy that I feel while I read the book; what I found amazing is, that while I’m connecting to Abraham messages, more of his materials are coming my way.
I received this 3 parts video where Abraham is helping one woman transform her fear based thoughts patterns into love based thought patterns in 15 minutes.
For someone who dedicates her life to transform her own fear based patterns into love based patterns and helping many people to do so, I want to share these beautiful moments with you. I hope you will enjoy it like I did. Have fun taking 15 minutes of your time to observe and maybe even sense transformation.

Monday, December 14, 2009

In the last few days I’m receiving allot of material of Abram Hicks.
I am reading in the last few days the Vortex the new book of Abram channeled by Ester Hicks, and I guess this is what happen when you connect to their energy.
In the next 3 videos Abram demonstrate the amazing transformation that take place when we succeeded to shift our emotions and thoughts from fear based patterns to love based patterns.
As someone that dedicated her life to help others and my self to learn and practice how to shift from fear to love I found these videos very powerful and I would like to share it with you.
Please take the time to look at all 3 videos if you would like to see the process of transformation taking place in front of your eyes.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Change your energy , change your life

Today is the first day of the Jewish holiday called Hanukkah.
The Jewish festival of Hanukkah commemorates the military victory of the Jewish Maccabees and their re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. According to the Talmud, at the re-dedication following the victory of the Maccabees over the Seleucid Empire, there was only enough consecrated olive oil to fuel the eternal flame in the Temple for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days, which was the length of time it took to press, prepare and consecrate fresh olive oil.

When we celebrate Hanukkah we celebrate the miracle of having light for 8 days, and among the songs that we sing in the days of the celebration, there is one song that say, "we come to expell the darkness, with the light we have in our hand. Each one of us is a small light and all of us together are strong, stable flame of light."
You see the thing is that every day we get many opportunities to create the miracle of having light, and expel the darkness with the light we have in our soul.

Have you heard about the law of cause and effect? In simple terms; what you put out comes back to you multiplied!

So I want to invite you to ponder on what you are putting out. What are your predominant thoughts? What are your energy levels like? Are you putting out Fear based energy and negative vibrations or are you highly motivated, eager, enthusiastic, optimistic and putting out positive Love based energy?

If you are putting out Fear based energy vibrations, say you could be depressed, angry, then this will come back to you multiplied! Whatever your circumstances, no matter how good your excuse is, nor how good your story is, STOP putting out negative vibrations. Instead, do your best to put out high energy vibrations.

When you will do that you will create miracles and you will expel the darkness with the light you have in your soul. Even in facing Fear based emotions that bring out of you allot of negativity, MAKE THE CHOICE, to vibrate positively, and send out Love based emotions with positive energy. Replace the habit of finding excuses to feel bad with the habit of finding excuses to feel good!Change the negative, low energy into SUPER-POSITIVE high energy and then your life will change accordingly.

Now if we will all do it together on a daily basis, each one in his little world, we will all create a strong stable flame of light that will create a huge miracle on our planet.
Let’s all light the flame of light in our soul by dedicate our self to vibrate on a positive energy vibration .

With much love
Happy Hanukkah
Sharon Cohen
Transforming Fear into Love
Healer & Self Awareness Coach

Monday, December 7, 2009

Natural Healing

Hope you having a magical day.
Today I want to share the gift of natural healing with you.
I hope you enjoy this simple practice.
Deep Breathe - All Day, Every Day, fresh Air –
Slowly inhale to the count of eight, hold for a count of eight, and slowly exhale to the count of eight.
Listen to your inner concerns and settle all dilemmas.
Listen to your inner voice and always do the things you know are right for you in life.
Build a relationship of Love, Trust and Respect between your inner and outer voice -
your feelings and your mind.
Become your own best friend - mind to feelings and feelings to mind.
Reward Yourself - Love Yourself - You Are Worthy !!!
Let all your thoughts, words and deeds be positive and Blessing.
Practice Humility, Love, Non-judgment, Patience, Compassion, Joy, And Happiness.
Eat healthy living foods as much as possible.
Enjoy and appreciate the Gift of Life
With Much Love
Sharon Cohen
Healer & Self awareness Coach

Monday, November 30, 2009

Heart Connection

This morning I received a message from my spiritual guides and the masters of the light who guide my path.
They ask me to share it with you I hope you will enjoy it.
With much love to you

Dear one,

We are here to remind you of who you really are and the main reason you chose to experience your life on planet earth. Plant earth is the school of love on a planetary level, which is why so many souls stand in line to receive the gift of experiencing life on this planet. Each and every soul was so excited to come to this planet because they wanted to experience more then anything the beautiful sensation of the energy of love.

We are here to remind you how much you wanted to feel the experience of being loved and being in love; the experience of having an open heart that beats hard and strong, a heart full of love and desire to serve and support one another, a heart full of joy that desires to celebrate one another’s existence.

We are here to remind you to open your heart as wide as you can. You should look all around to see who needs your support, then open your heart to the one who need to feel your love more then anything

We are here to remind you that if you remember who you are and allow yourself to be the love that you are you will experience a joy that you can’t even imagine now.

We are here to remind you to live in your heart, and to start any action in your life from a heart center. The first thing you should do when you wake up in the morning is to connect with your heart. Don’t start your day before you connected your heart to yourself and to the world. As soon as you step outside of your front door and during your drive to work, instead of thinking of all the things you have to do and who made you upset yesterday, you will choose to focus on raising the energy of love around you. Think about all the things that make you happy and whatever you love in your life. Give gratitude for them and start your day.

Choose to do only acts that come from love and not acts that come from fear, greed judgment and the ego. Whenever you catch yourself acting from those places, please shift your awareness back to your heart, take a deep breath, connect to your heart and choose again.

Dear one, any pain, frustration or fear that you are currently experiencing in your life is because you disconnected from your heart You chose to come to planet earth to learn to love and give love no matter what you experience.

If you are experiencing any challenges in your life right now, ask yourself how this challenge is providing you with the opportunity to learn more about love and how you can connect to love in a deeper way through this experience.

Life on planet earth is the most exciting and fulfilling experience when you choose to live and act moment by moment from your heart.

Here is a heart connection exercise to help you start and close your day from the heart and raise the energy of love in you and in your world:

Begin every morning by thinking about what you LOVE in your life. From the first moment you open your eyes, your mind usually starts thinking about what you need to do that day, Shift your awareness to what you love and say it out loud to yourself – for example “I love waking up in the morning, I love my beautiful hair, I love the color of polish I have on my fingers nails this week –it makes me smile, I love my brother - he is such an amazing soul, and so on and so on. Also, before you go to sleep at night, count the ten things you have loved that day. For example, “I love the new job I got today, I love my girlfriend - we had so much fun having lunch together today, I love the deep conversation I had with my husband today and so on and so on

The more you do this, the more energy vibrations of love you will bring into your life. And isn't that what you desire the most?

With much love given to you
Sharon Cohen
Transforming fear into love

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fear or Love what will you choose??

In our exciting, magnificent, electro-magnetic universe, everything has an energy vibration and so do emotions.

There are two main groups of emotions that determine our reality:

Fear-based emotions: fear, anger, stress, hate, pride, greed, blame, bitterness, hurt, judgment, misery, sadness, hopelessness,unhappiness, insecurity, lack of faith, lack of self-love, self-destruction, jealousy, competitiveness, control, frustration, selfishness,closeness, guilt, shame, doubt, uncertainty, negativity and the list goes on…

Love-based emotions: love, joy, faith, trust, inner strength, confidence, belief, happiness, caring, sharing, forgiveness,openness, passion, freedom, harmony, honesty, beauty, compassion, self-love, self-appreciation, respect, acceptance, peace,balance between giving and receiving, understanding, positively and again the list goes on…

How do fear-based emotions affect our life?

Fear-based emotions create a limitation, a tightness, an inward pulling feeling (shrinking you).
Fear-based emotions push the world away.
Fear-based emotions invite isolation.
Fear-based emotions create heaviness in you.
Fear-based emotions create a life full of pain and frustration.
Fear-based emotions disconnect us from our true self.
How do love-based emotions affect our life?

Love-based emotions create bodily sensations of openness (expanding you).
Love-based emotions invite the world in.
Love-based emotions invite unity.
Love-based emotions make the body and soul feel relaxed.
Love-based emotions create lightness in you.
Love-based emotions allow us to live in abundance.
Love-based emotions connect us with our true self.
Everything you are today is the sum total of all the feelings you have experience all your life up to this moment.

When a feeling connects with a thought an EMOTION is created.

The word EMOTION or E-MOTION contains the words energy and motion.

The place of creation of this energy motion is also the place where the energy-vibration is released.

Energy-vibration is LIFE. Life is what creates the circumstances that you are in.

If you wish your life to be different in the future it is necessary for you to change your emotions which in turn change your thinking in the present.

By so doing, you change the direction of your life!


Hello Beautiful spirit and welcome to The Tree of Life Healing World.

Everything in existence owes its existence to a life force current, or spirit, that animates its existence.

The same energy that causes my heart to beat is causing your heart to beat. The same innate intelligence that is

directing the movement of every atom, molecule and cell of your body, is also directing the movement of every being,

planet, star and galaxy. And the same volition that is compelling me to write these words for you to read has moved

you to read them.

The more connected you are with who you are the more easily you are going to be guided to fulfilling your life purpose

and find greater meaning and purpose in life.

As you are reading these words and reflecting upon their meaning what are you feeling? Take a moment to reflect upon

the very volition that brought you to this moment. You are being guided, just as I am. Spirit is guiding us all to evolve our

conscious awareness, to realize our highest potential and fulfill the very purpose for which we incarnated. You are part of

a growing mass of humanity that is leading the way to bringing forth a world that we all want to live in.

Deep inside you know this. Go to this place within you that already know.

The more open you are to receive, the more you will receive. Let me come to you in spirit. Let us join in Divine embrace,

like children playing in a Heavenly Kingdom that lies within us. Right now you are connected.

Take a moment to close your eyes and feel your spirit guiding you. I will meet you there.

With Much Love

Sharon Cohen